

"while true" Loop in Bash [4 Cases]

A while true loop in bash is a kind of infinite loop which runs forever since the condition is always true. 4 cases of it are explained here.

9.2. The while loop

#!/bin/bash # This script provides wisdom FORTUNE=/usr/games/fortune while true; do echo On which topic do you want advice? cat &lt;&lt; topics politics ...

bash - "while

2012年5月29日 — The difference has nothing to do with commands vs builtins, as they're both builtin. It's purely the additional number of characters bash is ...

bash break while loop

2024年2月26日 — The while True part is the condition. Break and continue statements are bash builtin and used to alter the flow of your loops. break while loop ...

Bash shell script

2017年7月10日 — 先來看一個無限迴圈的範例. root@ubuntu:~# vi while .sh. while true.

Bash While True

Bash While True is a bash While Loop where the condition is always true and the loop executes infinitely. This kind of infinite loop is used to continuously ...

Bash While循环语法

bash while循环可以定义为控制流语句,只要所应用的条件为真,该语句就允许重复执行给定的命令集。例如,可以运行多次 echo 命令,也可以仅逐行读取文本文件,然后使用Bash ...

Creating an Infinite Bash Loop

2023年12月4日 — To create an infinite loop in Bash, you can use the 'while' loop with the condition set to 'true' , while true . This will keep the loop ...

[Shell Script] Day11-迴圈while 的三個範例

在介紹完while 迴圈的三個樣子之後,緊接著當然是對這三個樣子作範例囉!這次的範例應該會有趣一些~ while] 迴圈能有什麼樣的應用呢?其實應用非常多,而且很常用到。

[Shell Script] Day13-繼續或者跳脫迴圈

所以,不管是for 迴圈、while 迴圈、甚至是until 迴圈都可以使用這兩個關鍵字來繼續或跳脫迴圈。 最後,還是要來看個範例吧,這個範例會用到之前介紹的迴圈外,當然, ...

Linux Bash環境下,輸入指令不留痕跡的作法

Linux Bash環境下,輸入指令不留痕跡的作法
